Digital Art

Setsuna Artistry

Here’s some of my art that I’ve done through out the recent years, primarily digital but will upload others in due time

About Me

The Artist Giovani enjoys video games primarily and a lot of the art is based on such upon video game fan art. Aside from that digital art is the main way the art is done, used with Clip Studio used for the finalization of the art works. The works typically are done traditionally in a sketch book with pencil.

Juri Han

Playable fighter in the video game series Street Fighter


Original character made by my girlfriend, who based her on a variety of things

The Aegis: Pyra

One of the main protagonists of Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Elphelt Valentine

Playable in Guilty Gear series


Na’el from Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed

Melia Antiqua

One of the main protagonists of Xenoblade Chronicles

Samiya Hendrix

Portrait of my beloved Sami


Sena from Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Fearless Shadow

Redraw of Shadow the hedgehog’s new 2024 render for the year of Shadow

Shadow the Hedgehog X John Wick

Shadow the Hedgehog dressed in a suit like John Wick as tribute to Keanu Reaves voicing Shadow in the upcoming Sonic 3 movie


Sage from Sonic Frontiers


Elma Jouji from the manga/anime Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid




Artist's Statement 

Hello, my name is Giovani Edmond. I am a digital artist and college student with the goal of becoming a concept artist. I've been taking various arts related classes and learning some useful skills in various other forms of art such as animation and character design. There are lots of useful stuff I've learned so far. That aside from art I also play lots of video games and watch lots of anime that in turn contributes to my art and stylistic choices as well. I mostly do lots of fan art and the like and a lot of the stuff I draw is closely stylized in similar ways to what I might use as reference but with a couple changes here and there. 

Nothing starts until you take action
— Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)